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Morning! It’s Saturday and it’s dry and mild and the garden is calling!


I don’t know about you but that Saturday morning feeling is one that has a bit of a paradox feel about it.

What do I mean? Well, I for look forward to the possibilities that this day off will bring with its sense of openness and adventure (I may be stretching that a wee bit?🙃), and then in a blink of an eye it’s Saturday late evening and I’m looking back and it’s all over☹️.

What’s happened in between? That I’ve discovered is a conscious choice to be as present to every moment and experience without ranking them in some sort of order of preference eg when I get this boring chore over then I can go out and play. This then sets up constant expectations and disappointments.

Why not try a wee bit to be present in every element of even the most mundane of task… it weirdly and pleasingly can make the day seem much more full!

Have a ‘present’ day!

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