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Areas of Expertise


I've been a psychotherapist in private practice since 2007 and have many thousands of hours delivering therapy to clients.  The two complementary models of therapy I offer are Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP), of which I am 'Certified' in both by the IFS and SPI institutes.  (More about the approaches on the next page).

I now offer 'personal therapy' exclusively, and you as a fellow colleague in the profession, are welcome to contact me to check out if we'd be a good fit for your needs.

Clinical Supervision and non-clinical consultation.

I gained my Senior Accredited status as a supervisor of groups and individuals in 2011with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

I use element of the 7-Eyed model by Hawkins and Shohet, to frame supervision, but also attend to the modality of the supervisee with a particular interest in the IFS or SP models.

Over the years I have enjoyed providing non-clinical consultation to people in the business world, eg executive coaches

I just love to collaborate with colleagues in an environment of safety and mutual respect and learning.

I am an approved Clinical Consultant by the IFS Institute and can offer services to colleagues who wish to receive supervision or consultation whether they are aiming for certification or not.

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Workshops and trainings 

I was a lecturer in counselling studies and supervision at a further education college for a number of years, so I've built up a skill set in designing and delivering 'bespoke' workshops for colleagues on topics such as 'trauma essentials', 'somatic therapy interventions' to name but a few.

I have a real passion for facilitating and being in learning groups with colleagues, and the feedback I get supports that ...and it's fun to do!

My Approach

I align with the work of Dr. Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems, that we all have a psychological inner world of 'parts'  or 'inner states' and that is how it is meant to be, not a product of being traumatised. My job as your therapist is to reintroduce you to your inner world and help to create trust from your wisest and highest essence towards those 'parts' of you that may have been wounded emotionally or psychologically, or who carry burdens of trying to fix things or distract away from pain.

The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy model  developed by Dr Pat Ogden, honours the wisdom of our body in the healing and recovery journey, and so as your therapist I will invite you to be curious about where your difficulties seem to reside within or on your body through psychical symptoms/sensations, as well as habitual patterns of moving or holding our posture as we try and navigate life.

My Approach

Services and professional fees

Obtaining the services of a highly qualified and experienced psychotherapist can often be out of the financial reach of a lot of people, so I have endeavoured to set my fee structure accordingly and affordably to enable people, while still re-investing in my own CPD (continuing professional development) to ensure I remain right up to speed in my therapeutic models. 

Clinical supervision- 1 hour session - £70-£85 scale (pro rata thereafter).

IFS specific consultation/supervision -P.OA

Non-clinical consultation - P.O.A

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